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Get involved – Become part of the team!

Since this project aims to address the needs of children and adolescents, it is crucial to collaborate closely with the target group during the game development phase. Therefore, there are various ways for children and adolescents (aged 10-14) to contribute to the success of the game:

  1. Needs Assessment: At the beginning of the study, we will gather information on the aspects of mental health literacy that are important and relevant to the students. We also want to know about their experiences with video games and the aspects that are important for enjoying a game. Group discussions will be conducted for this purpose.
  2. "Young Co-Researchers": Here, you can become part of the development team. The opinion of the target audience is highly valued in the game development process. Therefore, we want to continuously gather the opinions and input of children and adolescents during the development process to create and continually improve the game as effectively as possible. Children and adolescents can participate in workshops where they will be shown parts of the developed game and are asked to provide their opinions and suggestions for improvement.
  3. Game Testing: This involves children and adolescents testing entire scenes of the game during the development phase. This allows for the early detection of any issues and the implementation of improvement measures.
  4. Pilot Study: During the pilot study, the developed game will be played, and its effectiveness will be assessed with a larger group of children and adolescents, primarily in schools.

Interested in participating? Please send us an email at